showing 2 games

namepublisher(developer)year arrow_upwardtagsdescription
Legend of the River King 2  Ubi Soft;Victor;Crave (Natsume)1999 beach birds consoleclassix encounters-popup fishing flowers insects rating-esrb-e river riverking spiders LEGEND OF THE RIVER KING 2 brings even more RPG fishing excitement to the Game Boy Color. You play as a young angler, who¿s on a quest to catch the ultimate fish. On your journey, you¿ll encounter more than 60 different types of freshwater and saltwater fish in all kinds of rivers and lakes. Keep your eyes peeled, though, because you¿ll have to be ready to fight off wild animals that take an interest in your catch. Along the way you can gather new items such as bait and lures, and trade your hard-earned catch with other players. labelimagesubject
Centipede Majesco;Morning Star Multimedia (Accolade)1998 centipede centipedelike centipedes consoleclassix difficulty fixedshooter fleas scorpions spiders Based on the normal Gameboy version, which was based on the arcade version. Has 2 player alternate for one machine and 2 player cooperative link mode. Will run on regular Gameboy.